
in delicate
driving environments
City Mode is an optional feature available for FeatherLite hand controls. Any time during the driving cycle city mode can be activated by depressing a push button, typically located on the dash panel. When City Mode is active, the FeatherLite maximum throttle is reduced to 50% of the factory throttle. Reduced throttle allows for more finesse in city driving scenarios.
Easy Activation
Toggling city mode is as easy as pressing a push button.
LED Notification
Orange LED notification displays the City Mode activation status.
Sleek Push Button Design
City Mode activation utilizes an aesthetically pleasing and ergonomic high rounded metal push button with a laser etched logo.
Product Code: SCM.CITY
Can this be installed on any FeatherLite system?
City Mode is compatible with the entire FeatherLite series.
Can this be added after I have already purchased my controls?
City mode can easily be added to an existing FeatherLite installation.
How do I activate city mode?
City Mode is toggled by depressing a push button. Toggling city mode can be done at any point during the driving cycle.